Posts Tagged ‘maryland’
Auto Body Industry Jumps into the Shark Tank
Week after week, folks of all ages tune into (or DVR) the TV show Shark Tank, which, for those who are unfamiliar is like the Gong Show for business owners seeking financing from a panel of successful business investors. Candidates enter the “tank”, make their pitch to the panel and hope, after some questions and…
Read MoreMaryland Police Might Begin Fining Slow Drivers in Left Lane
We all learned long ago that the left lane is for passing. Once you have done so, you should move back into the right lane as a courtesy to other drivers so that they may pass. The world works very well when everyone follows rules, both written and unwritten ones for that matter. A bill…
Read MoreMD to Combat Distracted Driving
You have probably already seen to signs on I-95 urging folks to pull over to a rest stop when sending text messages. Maybe you have seen the commercials on television too. Either way, the point has been made that the state of Maryland is raising awareness about distracted driving. According to Maryland State Police and AAA,…
Read MorePothole Season – We’re not out of the Woods Yet
As the calendar is about to show March, one would assume that it’s about time that MDOT got out there and fixed all these potholes. In fact, they generally do not go full force on secondary roads in Cecil County until about the second week of March. One reason is that there is still plenty…
Read MoreMaryland (and Out of State) Drivers, Brush up on Your Driving Laws
Over the last several years, Maryland has changed a number of its driving laws in order to promote safer conditions for drivers using the thousands of miles of Maryland roadways. Lawmakers have paid special attention to safety regarding emergency vehicles and drivers using handheld devices. Did you know that it is now the law in…
Read MoreA Note to the Parents of Teen Drivers
As parents, the battles we have to pick and choose with our teenagers are so very different from those we had to deal with when our kids were still in elementary school. In many cases the decisions our kids make in their teen years can affect opportunities available to them for the rest of their…
Read MoreOnce Again, Seatbelts Save Lives
At Purnell Body Shop, we see some very real results of vehicle accidents everyday. No one sees those results more frequently than our valued first responders. Having known dozens of police, fire and EMTs over the years, we can attest that these folks have seen wrecks that make it to the body shop. They have…
Read MoreSafe Driving During Spring and Summer
Though this winter weather has been slow to leave, we are fairly certain that Spring is finally here. Each season brings with it challenges on the road. The wet leaves of Fall and snow and ice of winter create challenges for drivers all over Cecil and New Castle Counties every year. Often, folks think that…
Read MoreTrusted Auto Body and Collision Repair in Cecil County
What does it mean to be Cecil County’s most trusted collision repair shop? At Purnell Body Shop, 99% of the repair process is completed at our Elkton, MD facility to ensure the highest quality product by eliminating delays created by using sub-let vendors. Our shop has 54 bays dedicated to collision repair, seven of which are used…
Read MoreChoosing a Collision Shop
It is your choice where you get your car repaired after an auto accident. Though we are glad to work with a driver’s insurance company, we are truly here to serve you, the car owner. Many insurance companies will state that a driver will incur out-of-pocket expenses for repairs if a vehicle is not brought…
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